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About us

Welcome to Patliputra Vidyapeeth.

Patliputra Vidyapeeth runs under Manava manavi samaj kalyan kendra, Patna, a philanthropic voluntary organisation, registered under the Societies Registration Act-1860, in pursuit of its objective of Human Resource Development resolved to set up an School of selective basic education.

OUR Mission

The mission of Patliputra Vidyapeeth. is to ensure sound infrastructural facilities in the field of education education & research. Our aim is to provide quality health education for qualified professional support to the Medical and Rehab professional. particularly from rural poor families are taught and trained here in the socio-rural environment cutting across the barriers of rural and urban area and alleviating the root of inequalities incidental to rich and poor, caste and class and other related circumstances


We know children are the future of the nation on whom the major role of shaping out the future depends. So, our aim is to make children prosperous and worthy citizen of the nation by dint of basic and systematic way of education and providing them a sound environment in over all development under the care of highly motivated, trained and dedicated teachers.

Our Vision

Education means an all round development of a child.Teacher is a philosopher,guide and a friend. Indeed,we have experienced and qualified teachers who dedicates their life for this noble cause. "Teaching is the noblest profession of the world". We believe that teaching-learning process should be a process of discovery. Our school ensures both physical and mental growth of the students through training. Patliputra Vidyapeeth inculcates the spirit of patriotism,sharing caring,cooperation and coordination.

शिक्षा का अर्थ है कि एक बच्चे का एक समस्त विकास हो। टीचर एक दार्शनिक, गाइड और एक मित्र है। दरअसल, हमने अनुभवी और योग्य शिक्षक हैं जो इस महान कार्य के लिए अपनी जिंदगी को समर्पित करते हैं।               "शिक्षण दुनिया का सबसे बेहतरीन पेशा है" हमारा मानना है कि शिक्षण-सीखने की प्रक्रिया खोज की प्रक्रिया होना चाहिए। हमारे स्कूल प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से छात्रों के शारीरिक और मानसिक विकास दोनों को सुनिश्चित करता है। पाटलिपुत्रा विद्यापीठ देशभक्ति की भावना, देखभाल, सहयोग और समन्वय साझा करते हैं।

From Principal Desk

I extend my heartiest welcome to all to the Patliputra Vidyapeeth family. We focus on an education system which explores and empower the potential which is innate in every learner but awaiting exposure. We try our level best to provide an environment, which enriches the intellectual, spiritual , emotional and physical development of the young learners in an atmosphere that is healthy and prosperous. Emphasis is given on promoting personal achievement with a skill to face challenges in life.

With warm regards,
Smt. Menka
(Principal )

School Timing:
Summer Season-7:00AM to 1:00PM, Reporting time- 6:50AM, Winter Season-8:00AM to 2:00PM, Reporting time-7:50 AM